Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pics time

Not much to tell, since bush killing ain't really that exciting.
As you can understand, i'm still on the farm, working, and not having tons of new stuff to write about, but on monday i'll get traveling again, and hopefuly will get new writting material :)
The good part is work ain't really hard, and i get time to exercise daily. The less good part is that i'm missing traveling :)

While bush killing, (using poison), we wear some gas masks, and try to be as covered as possible, which reminds me of 2 things:
1) my chemical warfare training
2) fallout :)

Hope everybody is fine.


Oh, there is a small thing to tell. The first day we went bush poisoning, we got stuck twice in the field. First time it was fuel (the indicator didn't work ! really !!), and the second we still don't know why. So, while we waited to be rescued, i got some R&R, using a tree and my faithful hat, and antonio got the picture, so you can enjoy it :).

Me in the car.


Sunset (hope you're not sick of them yet)

Gas Mask (fallout)

Me & Antonis

Bye bye cruel world

Waiting for rescure

Yin Yang

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Fire

The wood was wet.
He refused to use gasoline to get it going, and tried again, unfolding the ball of paper so the fire can lit it, hopefuly burning the small twigs on it.
After several minutes, some smoke gave him a bit of hope, and he put the matches away, concentrating on blowing gently in the right direction, feeding the bits of coals that caught.
The patience was rewarded and a small fire began flickering, eating up the paper and the smaller twigs, creating enough heat in the small pit so the bigger chunks of wood will start smoking and evaporating the water they had, so they can burn.
After the harsh beginning, the fire gained enough momentum to go on by itself.
It started small, almost shy, and it took all it's effort to dry the wood and consume it slowly, but in time, it gained volume and strength and burned happily, waiting to be fed more wood, consuming it easily, lifting a dense white smoke into the evening night.
The fire had it's brighter times, when it was fed with wood, and it burned high and brilliant. But it also had it's darker times, when the rain came and left it reduced to a pile of coals, burning under the surface, awaiting for circumstances to change, so it can grow again.
After several hours, having served it's purpose, the fire started to grow weaker. First the flames died. Then the smoke stopped. All that was left was a pile of coals, burning red, filling the hole, getting darker on the brim, and slowly the darkness grow into the center, leaving a light blanket of grey ashes on the surface, but still holding some warmth inside, not accepting death and the coldness of the night.
But nature continued it's course, and the fire, alone, in the night, eventually died.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Still on the farm

Yey, went fencing yet again, but came back early.At noon the sun was scorching, but now it's raining :) ... sooo nice, with no further ado, here are the pictures :)

Making sure it's straight:

Noel, Antony and me:

doors to nowhere

Redback ... venemous tiny bastard:

Not redback ... but still, maybe venemous bastard (probably not)

Sunset.... ahhh .... sooo prety :

This is how i spend my nights here:

Bull riding :)

Working team, me, Lui and Antony:

The howdy look:

Lui, myself, and the camelback :

After a long day of work, a good bath is necesary:

Thats it for today :)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Yesterday, we went fencing.
Since we are already in the middle of nowhere, we drove for an hour, towards the end of nowhere, and then, we reached the fence.
At first glance, it looked like any other harmless regular fence. 2 barbed wires, and a flat one on top. Steel posts every 10 meters or so, and crossing the property at a rather straight line, going up and down according to the ground's whims.
But here is where all similarities ended, since we had to take this one out. Rolling the barbed wired, removing the steel posts, up the mountain and down the other side, just to go up again.
If this isn't enough of a workout, add the OZ sun, which scorches relentlessly, the mozies (oz for mosquito) and the trees and bushes that grow wherever they want, not caring about the poor humans that have to maintain the darn fence.
I doubt i ever felt so tired going up a mountain since the happy days of my military service, and these seem sooo long ago, when i was in a much better shape.
Thoughts of why a software engineer and a salsa instructor needs to be out in the outback, in the sun, rolling barb wire and cursing steel posts crossed flickered through my mind, but the satisfaction of reaching exhaustion, feeling the burn in the legs when you go up, the rivers of sweat going down your back, the ragged breath fighting to supply the oxygen that every muscle in the tired body demands, and then, taking another step consciously, make it worth the while :).
We got back, some dinner, a bit of sitting by the fire, shower, some reading and hit the bed for a much needed sleep. I was sure I'll wake up all hurting, but to my surprise i woke up fine, and smiled again as i had some mango, banana, granola and milk for breakfast, with the rising sun.
Today we went fencing again, putting some new steel posts instead of the old ones, building up a gate, and going up and down the mountain again, carrying not so light equipment with us. But for some reason, even though we worked longer than yesterday, i didn't feel so tired, and even found the energy to exercise when we got back.
After dinner, while i was reading, a lone potato, hidden in an aluminium foil was carefully hidden between the coals and the fire, waiting for the moment to be opened in the middle, and eaten with some butter, salt and pepper.
Damn, i can't complain :) . I love the feeling of tiredness you get after a long day of physical work, a good exercise, and a nice dinner.
I'm gonna hit the shower, read a bit more, and hit the bed very soon, since tomorrow ... yep ... you're right ... another day of fencing calmly awaits.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some pics

Working (Obviously)

Fire @ night


Me and the Horses @ the farm.

News from the farm

Hi, taking some minutes using my Bose's laptop for a quick update.

I'm good.
Actually, I'm very good. Quite happy. I'm supposed to be working, but I'm really enjoying it, and it's not like other jobs i had, when I'd just wait for the day to end.

Yesterday, i built a nice fire, and spent some 5 hours outside, near the fire, mainly listening to music and thinking about the past, the present, and the future.

Some background, so you'll get the picture. The farm is in the middle of nowhere. Besides some cows, a couple of horses, some wild roos (and a lonely dingo), there's no one around.
I turned all the lights off, so i sat in the darkness, the only source of light was the fire, and the moon, which was hidden behind a blanket of clouds. I tried to remember when was the last time i sat around a fire, and i think it was when i went to Uni, and was invited to a night trip by a friend. I need to do this more often.
After an hour or so, the clouds gave way, and the moon shone for a couple of hours, allowing me to enjoy the beauty of the night and the stars. Then the clouds covered the moon again, and some rain fell (i stayed where i sat, enjoying the experience).
During the evening, the man i work for joined me, and we talked a bit about some things, and then i threw a couple of bananas into the fire (ate mine with peanut butter), and made some tea. It's a pity i didn't have any tea herbs to put in, but hell, it was still a very good tea :). Before he went to sleep, he got me some marshmallows, darn good ones, and probably the best i ever had.

The only thing i regretted was not having my friends around, to share the moment with, but hell, I'm sharing it now :)

It was one of the best nights i had this far in Australia.
I want to thank all my friends, for being my friends, and for all the good moments (and the bad), that helped me become the man i am today.
I also want to thank some people, that some of the songs reminded me of, so, if you recognize the song, it's probably meant to you :
Loreana McKlin - The lady of Shallot, Hotel California, Tu amor me hace bien, No hay problema (yap, the cha cha), Leaving on a jet plane, Pink Floyd - The wall (that's you, smi), and there's probably some more i forgot, so you'll have to pardon me.
That's it for today, I'll try to post some pics, hope it'll work.
Wish you all a great day and a great week.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Bloggin for the people

Hi all,
i know, new blog you ask ?
the answer is yes ... since the last one was rather difficult to get to.
so, this is the new one, hope it's better.

I'm still on the farm, some 30km form Rockhampton, working and staying there.
Work is mainly helping in whatever is needed, and since they are building a shed, that's what i'm helping with.
I'll probably get back on the road in a couple of days, and head south, until i'll get to Fraser Islands, and then to Brisbane, and eventualy to Sydney again.

Take care, i'll update more when i'll have some time and net .
