Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pics time

Not much to tell, since bush killing ain't really that exciting.
As you can understand, i'm still on the farm, working, and not having tons of new stuff to write about, but on monday i'll get traveling again, and hopefuly will get new writting material :)
The good part is work ain't really hard, and i get time to exercise daily. The less good part is that i'm missing traveling :)

While bush killing, (using poison), we wear some gas masks, and try to be as covered as possible, which reminds me of 2 things:
1) my chemical warfare training
2) fallout :)

Hope everybody is fine.


Oh, there is a small thing to tell. The first day we went bush poisoning, we got stuck twice in the field. First time it was fuel (the indicator didn't work ! really !!), and the second we still don't know why. So, while we waited to be rescued, i got some R&R, using a tree and my faithful hat, and antonio got the picture, so you can enjoy it :).

Me in the car.


Sunset (hope you're not sick of them yet)

Gas Mask (fallout)

Me & Antonis

Bye bye cruel world

Waiting for rescure

Yin Yang


Anonymous said...

I didn't decided who is more beutiful... the sunset or sexy guy like U :)

Anonymous said...

Noctis said...

errr ...depends ... you're into guys, or sunsets ? :)

smi :) , laughed my arse off, thanks.

Anonymous said...

that's it!!! I decided that you are more beutiful :)