Sunday, April 13, 2008

JANU (Just Another Update)

I was talking with a friend the other day, telling him he was a crap for not being in touch, which made me realize I should better update this blog, for the sake of the few that still read it :).
Well, I'm good I guess. I was just thinking that I have nothing interesting to write about, since there are no big news, so, I decided I'll write about the small news.
First, I finally finished my book ("Noble House" by James Clavell, the same author of "Shogun").
I thought about writing a bit about it, but hell, if you're interested, just follow the link :). It's a good book, though it might be considered a bit long. Really ... it's longer than the lord of the rings (the 3 of them). And in case you didn't read Shogun, you should!
Another things that comes to mind, is things we don't see. A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about different things between OZ and home, and a couple of them were what we call "nana" which is a kind of mint, and some chilly peppers, which I first discovered when my roommate back in the days brought from Romania. I never saw them on shops here, and I wondered how and where you can get them, in case you'd want to. And then, one day, walking the streets of West End, a car reversed back from a driveway, and while I stood there, letting it get out on the street, I followed the beams of light to discover a chilly bush, just there, on the side :). I've walked that way before, never noticing the bush. Makes you wonder what kind of other things you miss in life because you weren't paying attention.
Salsa news ... been dancing the last 3 nights, so I'm quite happy. Last night, besides getting a nice elbow to my right forearm, which still hurts like hell, I managed to get some 3 cuban dances, which is basically as good as hitting the jackpot in the lottery, twice in a row, without even buying the forms. But that's besides the point, the point was that speaking with the guy that organizes the salsa night there, I might have found a job :). He introduced me to the owner, and I might start working in the bar there. Maybe it's not an IT job, but it should be nice, bring some fresh plastic notes of money into my dwindling bank account, and then I might think about teaching some cuban, since I'll know I'm staying around for a bit.
So, time will tell whats up, and in the meanwhile, I'll give IT another chance, and send another round of CV's.
Hope all is well (wherever it is you're reading this from), and until next time, farewell.

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