Monday, May 12, 2008

8 Days later

"Studies have shown the health benefits of running to be tremendous, reducing your chances of everything from the common cold to cancer."

Ground Zero
Thursday night. All is quiet, dark and cold. Running seemed like a good idea to boost health, have some aerobic exercise and build up cardio resistance.

Day One
Subject reports some difficulties in the daily push ups routines.
Back of the throat feels funny.

Day Two
Subject is feeling sick, reports aching throat, headaches, and strives to limit movement to the minimum.

Day Three
After a good nights' sleep, subject feels better, and thinks he is out of danger. The throat feels better, and no signs of the annoying mucus associated with flu are present. Little does he know what the future holds in store for him.

Day Four
The day meets our subject with a cloudy overcast, and even though he feels fine at the beginning, by the end of the day, the throat gives the yucky feelings again, and the head is playing the "please don't move" tricks again.

Day five
Throat aches. Headaches. Muscles aching. Subject kept waking during the night because of it, finding difficulties to go back to sleep. In addition, the running nose rears its ugly head. White, watery, persistent, and nothing you can do about.

Day Six
Night has been hellish again. Subject was unable to rest, since the combination of throat ache and running nose which needs to be blown every couple of minutes deprived him of luxury of sleeping.
The day passes slowly, full of aches, but during the day, the running nose turns from the watery to the more common consistency which at least doesn't drip on your clothes and needs to be blown every minute.

Day Seven
Worst night so far. Subject woke several times, including a bathroom break, and wasn't able to fall asleep again, lying in the dark, moaning and suffering instead. Subject claims that in the brief sleeping periods, bad dreams induced by (possibly) fever made the experience exhausting instead of invigorating.
During the day, keeping warm and staying in bed seemed to help. Subject recall having a couple of snoozes which helped him to go through the day.

Day Eight
Finally a good night sleep.
Subjects report throat ache subside. Nose is still running, and head feels a bit blocked. Even though the subject is still not back to normal, he's much better and happy to be over the worst.

On another note
Subject reports watching "I am Legend", and enjoying it pretty much.

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