Monday, June 9, 2008


It's up :)
You can continue reading on my site: . It's currently still under development stages, but main functionality has been achieved.
comments and ideas are welcomed.

(you can go directly to the blog with this link: blog)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Comming soon

Hi all.
Sorry for not posting.
Bought a domain, working on a hosting place.
I'll put it up soon :)
Besides that, all normal.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Darn hair

Well, not much. Seems like my hair is growing. Both on my head and my face.
The matches might be the result of too much time to spare, and a specific mood.
The pool is in Southbank, and the lizard seemed to be enjoying a nice bath, and posed, so i snapped some pics.
The last one is just to show that I do shave from time to time :)

By the way, no one gave me any feedback about the site preview, so i'll guess nobody liked it, read it, or both ?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Coming soon

Not much to tell.
Days pass by, exercising, reading conan comics, finished reading a css, html & xhtml book, so I decided to write yet another homepage for myself.
I'm done with the design, just need to find a domain. Basically, it's impossible, since all the possibly good names have been long snatched. There's even a site that basically bought almost all 4 letter combinations, and now sells them for some 900$.
So, I hope to find a good name soon, and upload the site. If you have any ideas, suggestions, a domain you want to donate, feel free to contact me :) .
I could also use a bit of help with some icons, if someone feels like it.
Thats all for today.


On another note, I watched "step up 2". Now, before you crucify me and stop talking to me, I admit the plot is soooo cheezee that cheetos could take some lessons from there, but damn, they have some nice moves :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Flash from the past

No, Windows is not a virus. Here's what viruses do:

1. They replicate quickly - OK, Windows does that.

2. Viruses use up valuable system resources, slowing down the system as they do so - OK, Windows does that.

3. Viruses will, from time to time, trash your hard disk - OK, Windows does that too.

4. Viruses are usually carried, unknown to the user, along with valuable programs and systems. - Sigh...Windows does that, too.

5. Viruses will occasionally make the user suspect their system is too slow (see 2) and the user will buy new hardware. - Yup, Windows does that, too.

Until now it seems Windows is a virus, but there are some fundamental differences: Viruses are well supported by their authors, are running on most systems, their program code is fast, compact and efficient and they tend to become more sophisticated as they mature.

So Windows is not a virus.
It's a bug.

He he he ... Got reminded of this, and had to find it and share it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

8 Days later

"Studies have shown the health benefits of running to be tremendous, reducing your chances of everything from the common cold to cancer."

Ground Zero
Thursday night. All is quiet, dark and cold. Running seemed like a good idea to boost health, have some aerobic exercise and build up cardio resistance.

Day One
Subject reports some difficulties in the daily push ups routines.
Back of the throat feels funny.

Day Two
Subject is feeling sick, reports aching throat, headaches, and strives to limit movement to the minimum.

Day Three
After a good nights' sleep, subject feels better, and thinks he is out of danger. The throat feels better, and no signs of the annoying mucus associated with flu are present. Little does he know what the future holds in store for him.

Day Four
The day meets our subject with a cloudy overcast, and even though he feels fine at the beginning, by the end of the day, the throat gives the yucky feelings again, and the head is playing the "please don't move" tricks again.

Day five
Throat aches. Headaches. Muscles aching. Subject kept waking during the night because of it, finding difficulties to go back to sleep. In addition, the running nose rears its ugly head. White, watery, persistent, and nothing you can do about.

Day Six
Night has been hellish again. Subject was unable to rest, since the combination of throat ache and running nose which needs to be blown every couple of minutes deprived him of luxury of sleeping.
The day passes slowly, full of aches, but during the day, the running nose turns from the watery to the more common consistency which at least doesn't drip on your clothes and needs to be blown every minute.

Day Seven
Worst night so far. Subject woke several times, including a bathroom break, and wasn't able to fall asleep again, lying in the dark, moaning and suffering instead. Subject claims that in the brief sleeping periods, bad dreams induced by (possibly) fever made the experience exhausting instead of invigorating.
During the day, keeping warm and staying in bed seemed to help. Subject recall having a couple of snoozes which helped him to go through the day.

Day Eight
Finally a good night sleep.
Subjects report throat ache subside. Nose is still running, and head feels a bit blocked. Even though the subject is still not back to normal, he's much better and happy to be over the worst.

On another note
Subject reports watching "I am Legend", and enjoying it pretty much.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Late update

Well ... Had a busy week, so the blog was left aside.
But here I am, updating once more.
Last week I started learning the job @ the bar. Must admit it's not as easy as it might seem. They have some 80 imported beers, plus the local ones, and all the other drinks, and just knowing where to find each and how much it costs can contribute to a nice headache :)
On the weekend, I was in a salsa camp, something like the salsa festivals back home. 3 days in a nice place (even though a bit Christian oriented). They fed us quite good, and frequent, and they had plenty of workshops.
Some of the workshops disappointed me, some surprised me.
One of them was a guy named Alex(?). Big celebrity here, since he appeared on some dancing TV shows. Anyways, he said something at the start of his workshop, which is what I always told to my students, that a good dance is not about the number of fancy moves you can do, but it's more about the connection with the partner and the music.
What else ... well, here's a picture from Saturday's night. It's me balancing on a pole with 1 leg, so this takes care of posting some pics :)
I've also uploaded 2 more videos to youtube, one is my goodbye circle, and the other a social dance from coffs harbor.
Hmmm ... I think that's about it for this one.
Thanks for all of you who sent me a happy passover mail/comment, hope you had a nice holiday :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Life in low gear

I got an email from Sally today. First, I scratched my head ...wondering "who the hell is sally?!". Upon opening the mail, I realized who Sally is. She's just one more from an endless list of people to whom I applied for work, and basically the message said :
Thank you for your application for the position of *** with the RNA.

We have received an enormous response to our advertisement.

Unfortunately your application was unsuccessful at this time.

Aye ... life in low gear ... sending cv's and getting "thanks but no thanks".
Anyways, I was walking down the street today, towards the Internet cafe, and I guessed I could use a coffee too. While waiting for the light to turn green on the crossroad, the rain hit again. Being smart and careful, I took an umbrella with me, so I told to myself (with an ausy accent) "no worries mate", and opened it, enjoying the view of the rain falling on the cars, breathing in the smell, and thanking the weather for it was warmish, and not cold as it would be in the rain back home.
Once the light turned green, I started crossing, humming a song, and watched a short balding person with glasses, who must have been on a coffee break from work (since he was dressed in a rather formal attire, and was holding a coffee cup in his hands) run across the road in the other direction. Now, the funny part was his face. He was having the most amusing face, even though it would be hard to explain. His brows were contracted, and his lips were tight, while he dashed at what should be (for him) top speed across the road. Now, since he's traveling faster, he should keep his head dryer, since the total amount of time under the rain, is shorter. But, since he's moving on the horizontal plane faster, he gathers rain which wouldn't hit him otherwise. So, is it worth the effort of trying to outrun the rain?. At this point, I figured I'll leave the complex mathematical calculation for after the coffee, and went on my way without giving it much more thought.
The other day I was fooling around with some features of a program, and realized how much data you can obtain, and how much damage you can do, and I don't know why I tell you this, since it has nothing to do with the post. I was speaking about life in low gear. Yes. Basically, it's the same "the neighbor's grass is greener" syndrome. When you work full time and have no time, all you want is some time off, so you can do nothing but chill out. When you have nothing to do, but chill out, you would wish you had a job, so you can do something useful. Now, maybe being rich it won't be the same, since you won't have to worry about money, but being poor as your humble servant, it does come into consideration.
Which reminded me, work ... I'm not sure work as it is is what I wanna do. The clock punching might help in giving an income, but it's definitely not the thing that will make you rich. Having enough spare time, I ponder about this, but so far, with no ground shaking conclusions. Once I'll reach them, I might update, but then, you never know who will steal them, right? :) .
I think that's about enough for today. Tonight, some dancing. Before I go there were some things I wanted to find on the net, but I keep forgetting what they were, since I'm browsing and following links, and finding new things, and only when I'm out and not in front of the comp, I realize I forgot to check this and that.
So, with this wishful thinking, I'll leave you for today.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

JANU (Just Another Update)

I was talking with a friend the other day, telling him he was a crap for not being in touch, which made me realize I should better update this blog, for the sake of the few that still read it :).
Well, I'm good I guess. I was just thinking that I have nothing interesting to write about, since there are no big news, so, I decided I'll write about the small news.
First, I finally finished my book ("Noble House" by James Clavell, the same author of "Shogun").
I thought about writing a bit about it, but hell, if you're interested, just follow the link :). It's a good book, though it might be considered a bit long. Really ... it's longer than the lord of the rings (the 3 of them). And in case you didn't read Shogun, you should!
Another things that comes to mind, is things we don't see. A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about different things between OZ and home, and a couple of them were what we call "nana" which is a kind of mint, and some chilly peppers, which I first discovered when my roommate back in the days brought from Romania. I never saw them on shops here, and I wondered how and where you can get them, in case you'd want to. And then, one day, walking the streets of West End, a car reversed back from a driveway, and while I stood there, letting it get out on the street, I followed the beams of light to discover a chilly bush, just there, on the side :). I've walked that way before, never noticing the bush. Makes you wonder what kind of other things you miss in life because you weren't paying attention.
Salsa news ... been dancing the last 3 nights, so I'm quite happy. Last night, besides getting a nice elbow to my right forearm, which still hurts like hell, I managed to get some 3 cuban dances, which is basically as good as hitting the jackpot in the lottery, twice in a row, without even buying the forms. But that's besides the point, the point was that speaking with the guy that organizes the salsa night there, I might have found a job :). He introduced me to the owner, and I might start working in the bar there. Maybe it's not an IT job, but it should be nice, bring some fresh plastic notes of money into my dwindling bank account, and then I might think about teaching some cuban, since I'll know I'm staying around for a bit.
So, time will tell whats up, and in the meanwhile, I'll give IT another chance, and send another round of CV's.
Hope all is well (wherever it is you're reading this from), and until next time, farewell.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Defintions and their meaning (or: my dance with the top salsa dancer in the world)

Went dancing on Sundays' night. The place is usually cover free, but that night they charged 5$, because they had a performance by the world salsa champions, Oliver & Luda.
Now, I've heard about them before I started traveling, and watched a couple of clips on Youtube (just to know the competition :) ), so I figured the show would be good. It was. Seems like they are champions for a reason.
Nice music, very quick action, nice customs, their trademark dip (which was imported from lambada, but I guess you don't change a winning horse) and once they finished, there were some 15 minutes of talks about wow, how amazing, and come to this congress, and this guy is amazing and back and forth ... bit tedious, but I guess it goes with the territory.
Oh, and by the way, they are small :). For the readers who're not in the scene and/or have no idea (yes, the whole 2 of you), I'll explain. These 2 are huge performancers, but size wise, quite short. It's cute. 2 minimi world champions :).
Anyways, for a change, the music was quite to my taste, including some cuban songs (!), and some other good loved ones. I even discovered that one of the girls can dance cuban, and she's tagged now :).
And, of course, since they are supposed to be the best, I invited Luda to a dance. Now, a bit of background, and about myself. I'm not a bad dancer, but I'm more into social dancing and having fun rather than flashy stuff and concentrating on my own spins and how good I look (I do of course look good :) . I think the best example is the fact that back home, I never danced with one of the supposedly best dancers, since every time I saw her dance, she never smiled, and was rather busy doing her lady style.
Back to the story, I invited Luda for a dance. She's good, can't say she's not, but as far as fun dances go, I can't really say it was one of the ones I most enjoyed. Just makes you realize the big difference between fun and show.
K, that's about it I guess, going to check 3 leads about work I got during the weekend.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Bits and Bolts (or how was my day)

Morning ... It's getting colder in the mornings ... I guess the winter is crawling over, which means the summer is starting back home ... good for them, less for me ... :)
The only reason I get up is the work interview. I got dressed, putting on my good buttoned shirt, and head towards the bus station which is some 10 minutes away. I can see the bus going away just when I reach the corner. Darn. Well, at least I'll be able to get a coffee while I wait for it.
I wait in line, order a cappuccino, and just when they are about to make it, I see my bus coming. Since I already payed, I wait, knowing that I'm good with time. The bus stops, and goes on, but the light is red, so it stands some 5 meters from me ... I'm wondering if I'll be able to get the coffee and hop onto it even though it's past the stop. By the time I get it and make the first step towards the bus, the light changes to green, and he slips away. As the book I'm reading would describe it: "Joss".
So, I sat back in the shade, put my coffee near me, and go on reading my book (which redefines the term "long book"). In the meanwhile, I manage to take a sip from my coffee, open the lid, enjoy the cream and sprinkled chocolate on it, and before I know it, the next bus is there. I get my coffee, get on the bus, and ask how much is it to Teneriffe, only to be answered : "you can't go in with the coffee, mate". Argh. I took a quick last sip (which was only the second I took from it), get off the bus, put it on the bin's side, get back on the bus, pay the 2.70$ and head towards the end of the bus, sit down, and continue reading.
First differnce in attitude and costumes for the day I guess. Back home, you won't have as many coffee shops, in Spain you would, but you won't take it to go, you'll drink it there, and here, you'll take it to go, but can't get it on the bus ... Nevermind, back to our story.
It's a nice long ride (30 odd minutes), so I have time to read and think a bit about the interview. This one is for a junior java developer, to which I'm going after sending my CV, and then replying some questions (1 coding, 1 proving) on the mail.
The bus driver never heard about the street, but some guy that was getting off told me it's the next one to the left, so I manage to get to where I'm supposed to be on time.
I get in, and in a minute or so T. (the full name is kept in our system) comes out and takes me into the interview room.
Basically, the interview consisted of a quick chat, and then 2 exams consisting of several questions each, but one of the first questions he asked was: "is there a reason you're not dressed for a job interview?" . I was rather perplexed. Afterwards when I asked him about this, he explained, that here, down under, they expect people to come to an interview in a business dress code, which means a business suit, attired with tie and all. I apologized, and explained that our normal code of dressing back home is a bit less formal, and that no offence was meant. (hmm ... maybe this can explain why the last place never called back ?!). This was the second difference for today. The last IT job I had, when I went to the interview, I was wearing my Einstein T-shirt with the "I blew my mind in Amsterdam". And here they have the "sloppy look sloppy work" theory.
Anyways, the company seems like a nice place of work, and might even prove interesting, as opposed to the last one I had in the area. Then I was handed the papers with the questions I had to answer. Some of the questions were silly, some hard, some demanded me to think hard about my Uni days (this doesn't mean I got them right though :) ). Some I answered right, some wrong, and in the end he thanked me, and told me they'll be in contact with me.
I went back to the bus station, and read until the bus came, and once on the bus I thought about the whole issue. I'm overqualified for simple jobs. I don't have the attire needed for even the interviews for the IT jobs, and that's assuming they wont mind my working holiday visa. So it seems like I'm in a bit of a catch 22 trap. Argh. Well ... I can always go work on farms and fruit picking, and get a nice tan on the way.
I got off the bus, started walking back, and stopped in a place to get something to eat. I bought a steak pie with bacon and cheese, and a cheese bread. While I was waiting, I noticed a woman playing the guitar on the street for money. Quite a popular thing here I must admit. From kids, to adults, to old men (to play I mean, there are always those that just sit there begging for money, even though the other day I saw one that took the time to write on the cardboard he had with him that he doesn't drink nor gamble). I paid the old Asian woman behind the counter, and went on, reaching the corner when I got the bus in the morning. It seems that luck was smiling at me after the previous unlucky events of the day, and I saw my coffee sitting just where I left him :). I picked him up, cold obviously, but still untouched, and that's about it I guess.
I'll have to reconsider the working thing, and see whats up. A bit annoying, but this is how life is I guess.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Upsy ... :)

Dang ... it's been almost 3 weeks since i last posted something here ?? DANG ...
Well ..sorries ... my badz ... :)

Hmm ... I'm trying to figure out how that happened ... well ... lets see ... looking for work, then some more, then realizing that my highly sophisticated CV scares cafes and bars from even calling me, and then changing it, and then going around again, looking, and then some internet seeking and sending the CV to different places, and it kinda seems to have become a routine ....

What else ...well ... some 2 weeks ago, I kinda sneaked into a latin festival down in coffs harbour, which was good and bad ...
Good - since I learn new bits of zouk and gafiera.
Bad - well, because most people don't have a darn idea about dancing, music, and other things I took for granted.
The best example would be one of the nights, where the music was some kind of latin salsa jazz, without even a clave to be heard, nothing to do with cuban, and the ****** went and did a big happy rueda on it ... I was like " oh ... ma ... gawd ... WTF ?? ". I managed not to go and tell them that they need to LISTEN to the freaking music. Now, I know, probably I've did some ruedas on non-cuban music too, but this one was just too much. And to top it, on the last day, they had a rueda workshop, and the first song the one passing it put was a god darn boogalo! Yep, I know, Micaela is a nice song, and we did kinda danced rueda on it back in the days ... but that was before realizing the much needed lessons about different kinds of music and dances. Well, once i realized it's the same guy who led the rueda last night, I just shook my head and went away.

That's about the latin festival. Now last week, I happened to spend Easter in the country, not doing much, and watching a mud race (funny cars racing in VERY DEEP mud, getting stuck usually, and in all but 1 case, the car I bet on to win, lost :) ), which is nice, for like ..10 minutes. Eventually you grow tired, and the only amusement is to see the tractor that pulls the cars out of the mud getting stuck in the mud :).
And then, at night, I watched a dirt race, which is basically watching some cars run around in circles on a dirt track, and realizing it's even more boring than the mud racing. But hell ... you can't have it all I suppose, and at least I got some reading done. I think I'm around page 650 in my book, and it didn't even reached the middle ... :).

What else ... hmmm ...not much ...not much ... Went to a job interview, but they never got back to me. Managed to write a whole new sets of CV's for different kinds of jobs, and today sent it again to some 10 different places, after going some 250 ads ... joy, joy and more joy.
I think that's about it ...really ... sad, but true.
I hope all of you are fine, happy, doing whatever it is that you want to do, and that's about it for today.
As usual, feel free to drop some lines on the mail, or here.
Have a great week, and hold me some fingers about the freaking work hunt :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Not much to tell

Sorry about not updating more lately.
The reason is that there's not much to tell. I'm still trying to get some work, wondering why the hell a waiting or cleaning position in a restaurant requires me to drop my CV with them, and how exactly my CV info will help them decide if I can carry plates around their restaurant. Well, nothing I can do about it I suppose.
He he ... switched to dvorak. It's quite amazing actually, but it seems I regained my qwerty blind typing skills, but once I switch to dvorak, it will take a couple of seconds, some mistakes, and wuala ... I'm blind typing in dvorak. Of course, that if I will try to think about the typing, it will only cause me to make errors :) .So, not thinking can be good for you, like the old phrase says : "no brains, no worries".
What else ...hmmm ... been watching my Thailand pictures today, and got nostalgic. Probably less for the places, and more for the people and the adventures I had there. Makes me wonder about going back once I'm done traveling in OZ land. I suppose time (and probably money) will tell.
Running without music seems to be a bit boring, and gives you the impression that you ran a lot more, even though in fact, you didn't.
I also ran into an old phone book progy I had on my disk on key, and smiled looking at some of the names I had there, and the fact that it's soooo old, that phones (both cellular and landlines) had 1 less number in them. Wonder if some of them will still ring, since people tend to change numbers and go abroad from time to time :).
K, it's time for me to go job hunting again (a.k.a. give my software eng. oriented CV to places that aren't really interested in that :) ).
Keep in touch, be well, and take care.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Donkeys salad

The last few days passed slowly.
Dancing at nights when it's possible. Having a relaxed time with friends, and hunting for job were the main issues.
Two friends i met in Noosa left today. Yesterday we went to the casino, and i realize how much my budget is low (didn't even play :) ). One of them managed to loose 100$ in some 15 min, taking the fun out of it i guess.
What else, we found a guy lying on the road the other day, going back from salsa. He was out, and when he came back, he said he think he went into a fight, and he don't remember nothing since then. He had a couple of hard weeks too. I hope the poor guy is better by now.
About the job, bit tired of sending my CV and hunting the net for IT stuff, but if it wont work (pretty soon), I'll have to start going around, asking for whatever, and if this fails too, I'll head south and try again there.
Besides, 2 of my bags are breaking down, along with my shoes, and even my mp3 died :(.
In addition, seems that my city is under rocket attacks back home, so i guess it doesn't add comfort to my life.
That's about it i guess. Hope all of you who read are fine and having fun.

P.D. seems like "Guitar Hero" is quite addictive and fun ... :) . Who would guess ...

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Last couple of days were interesting ...
Sunny, hot, turning to cloudy and warm.
Went dancing the last couple of nights. Fun, but I do miss the scene back home. On the bright side, I get compliments on my dance skills even though I'm out of shape, and I even got a request on youtube asking if I can post more :).
This, and a nice chat with a friend on the internet certainly helped to raise my mood.
here's a nice movie I found on youtube : .
It's nice to find life's irony surprises and complications popping up, but as we all know, this is how life is.
And thus, with a mista! mista! baloon! , I will finish for today :) (all rights are reserved to Zmi & the umbilical brothers :) ).

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The last days

Well ... as you know, I've been staying in Noosa for the last days.
I can easily say it was a fun stay, in a oh_so_very_relaxed town, and mind you please, that Australia is a very relaxed place to begin with :)
I spent my time walking in the national parks, and meeting new people in the backpackers place, who might not be cheap, but at least it was just next to the bus stop, and they had a vacancy.
One of the things i liked is the free ping pong table they had there. First night i lost to the French. The second, we both lost to the Swiss. The third i managed to loose again to the French, but i had come a long way from the previous nights at least :)

Here are some pics:

Here you can see Siril (or is it Ciril?) and me, playing English ping pong. I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out what the difference is :)

Next, still playing the English version of the game, is your humble servant. Looking good, but still not winning.
I guess having fun will have to be enough until I'll improve my ping pong l337 5kIllz.

The 21st:

The 21st. It all started way to early. 6am in the morning I'm awakened by a sms from the Swiss guy that worked with me in the farm, wondering where I am. An annoyed grunt, and back to sleep, or at least trying to. Between everybody else waking and coming and going, i managed to sleep maybe 20 minutes until 8am.
I got up, hopped to the showers/bath, hand washed my jeans, packed my stuff, got the linen from my bed, and headed to reception to check out. I left my bags in the storage room, and headed back to the reception.
I was supposed to get a free 2 hour kayak trip from the company with whom I did the surf lesson the day before, and at the reception they said they will pass and pick me, so I waited. Eventually i realized they wont come, so i just went there by foot, hearing music and enjoying the good weather on my way.
When i got there, the instructor, a 40 y/o I'd guess, called Max, told me the waves are amazing, and i should go surfing. I told him i would love to, but i had a bus to catch, and i have no swimmers with me (i was wearing my Thai fishing pants, a t-shirt and my lovely hat).
Max got me a pair of trunks he had in his van, i managed to get some sunblock from a girl on the beach, and instead of kayaking, i went surfing again :).
It was nice, better weather, and i just went in and tried to catch the waves. I did better than the previous day, and i still ended up cursing the paddling parts in between waves.
After an hour and a half, my ankle leash broke, so i got out of the water and lay on the board on the beach for some minutes until the rest finished their class. I took the board back, quick shower, thanked Max, and headed toward the hostel again.
The jeans were still wet, so i played ping pong with Tom, an English bloke, who didn't know how to play, so i just gave him whatever help and tips i could. Then, a quick shower, went to the bus stop, got in, and once it started moving, fell asleep for 2 hours.

Brisbane, 1530. Backpacks on, head out of the bus station, and realizing how hungry i am, went and bought myself a kebab. Now, a kebab here is what we'll call a "lafa" back home, but it's not the massive fat dripping one, it's the more civilized, less filling version of it.
From there i headed to the backpacker i stayed at the last time, waited for my turn, and when i asked for a room, they told me "sorry, we're full".
Hmm ... mkay ... there's always a first time i guessed, i asked them where i can find someplace to stay, and the girl gave me a map and circled a couple of places.
I headed toward the center of the city, stopped for some minutes to send a quick mail, and out again to the next one. Only ... it was full !
They gave me a map, with some 13 places, so i went to the next nearest one, which wasn't where it was supposed to be (later i understood my mistake, something to do with the color of the numbers on the map). Anyways, an old couple saw me looking, and came to the rescue, offering their help. They pointed me to the nearest places, and then called to see if there's a vacancy. There wasn't. In the next place, they had a place only for girls, and the next try was full too.
I didn't want to slow them, so i thank them, and headed to the information point to try and get some help.
They gave me a number, but the office was closed, so i went and called all the backpackers from the map and the list they gave me.
I tried at least 13 or 14, all full. At last, one said they have a bed for tonight. i had to walk all the way back from where i came, and then some 10 minutes more, with all my stuff, until i got there, all sweating, tired, and extremely happy i got rid of some weight before i came.
The good side is i got a single room for the price of a dorm, since those were full too ! (crazy, i know, but i can't complain).
6pm, quick shower, and i ran out, since i had to be in the powerhouse theatre by 7pm for the Umbilical Brothers show, which i booked a couple of days before, getting one of the 2 last tickets :) .
1815 still trying to figure out how I'm getting there. Asked a couple of people what would be the best way, and taxi was the answer. Decided to get the bus, and when i got to the bus station, at 1830, i managed to get on the right bus (which was behind the one i tried to board) without having to wait.
I got to the theatre at 1900 sharp (that's 7pm, for the non militar readers). Got my ticket, waited a bit, and at 1930 the show started. The theatre was full. And the show was great :).
They did repeat some of their stuff, but it was great nevertheless. An experience.
After the show, they went down to say hello and sign stuff for the people, so i got a picture with them, and got my passport signed :)
From there, it was a long walk back to the backpackers. Listened to my music, bought an almond magnum, a chocolate milk which turned to be too thick for my taste, and when i got to the center of the city, i ended up at hungry jacks (a.k.a. burger king). I don't really know why, since all the times I ate in fast food places here i got disappointed. I order the Ausie Burger, which has egg and ham and cheese, and realized yet again that it's junk food, and promise myself not to eat there again :).
Once i got back to my room, i stared at the TV for half an hour, and went to sleep.

Today I had to move again, since they were fully booked, and I didn't plan on paying full price for the room, but it seems that luck is on my side again, and I payed for 3 nights at the place I originally stayed at.

Hope to get some salsa this weekend, but in the meanwhile, I'm out to buy some groceries and have a nice dinner.

Take care all :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


OZ. The land of surfing ...
Today i tried to wake early to get to the 9am lesson, but failed miserably at getting up.
so, i tried to book the later one, but they told me they are not going.
A long walk to the post office, buying some food, delivering messages, and when i got back to the backpackers, they told me that they are indeed having the lesson.
So, i hit the beach for an hour, and back to the backpacker to be picked up, and taken to the very same spot i've been at the beech at :).
Some talks about water, boards, what you want to do, and what you don't want to do, and off into the water.
I was standing since the second wave, and it wasn't as hard as i thought, but after 2 hours, it does get you tired :) .
So, maybe i'm not the best surfer in the world yet, but i got the basics, and i guess that with a little bit of practice, i'll be able to start getting the bigger nicer waves (avoiding getting killed in the meanwhile hopefully :) ).

Monday, February 18, 2008


Well ... still in Noosa.
3rd day now.
The first was quite a lazy one, sleeping, internet, exercising, running, eating, sleeping.
The second was sunny, and i went for a long walk in the national park, and then up to the lookout point (Head my words, first do lookouts, then long walks) and managed not to get sunburned ....
Today, was cloudy, and rainy ... and i fell for the oldest trick in the world :( . didn't used my sunblock, and now i'm turning lobster red :( .... AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH
It's especially annoying, because i know this is what happens when the clouds are out ... and yet ... I fell for it ...
This is the first and last time though ... hell ... i'm gonna use the sunblock even when i'm going out at night, just to be on the safe side i think.

Trying to figure out when to hit Brisbane again, since i wanna go to see the Umbilical Brothers, and they're showing until saturday.

Besides that, all good i suppose. Finished my 2nd book in the trilogy, and need to decide which will be my next book (one is 1300 pages, and the other only 1200).
Well, gonna head back to the backpackers, exercise, and try to find a girl with some alovera to put on the sunburns :)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Well, eventually, i left Brisbane, and headed towards Rainbow beach, in order to get my fraser trip on its way.
This meant waking up at 6am to get a bus, which as you might understand, ain't one of my favorite things to do, but as you see, i'm willing to sacrifice my well being and my sleeping hours so you'll be able to have something to read :)
Once i reached Rainbow beach i was happy to discover that the backpacker place is about 26 steps from the bus station (and if it isn't, just shoot me). Checked in, saw a movie about Fraser island, some basic security things (don't feed the dingos, don't sleep with the fishes, don't get the 4x4 in deep sea water ... you get the point), and then they split us to groups of 10-11 people per group.
Our group consisted of: 7 swedish (4 girls, 3 guys), an english couple and your humble servant. This is where some dark foreboding sensation began to creep in on me. I know what you'll say. 4 Swedish chicks, you can't complain. Well ... unfortunately, i can, i am, and i was right, as you'll see.
Once we got together, we gave them our credit cards, "just in case" something happens to the cars, and then we headed to the bottle shop to get some beers, wine and supplies for the trip.
We had a 5$ dinner, and headed to sleep rather early, since the next day started at 7 am.

Day 1:
7 am wakeup & breakfast. Now, let me tell you about breakfast. It consisted of pancakes. I had one with sugar, and one with peanut butter. Then i discovered another weird and interesting thing about different cultures. It seems they eat their pancakes with lemon juice and sugar!. I was shocked at first, but after eating crickets, maggots, kangaroo and crocodile, some lemon and sugar would not stop me. It is good :) .
The weather was shitty. It was overcast and raining, and this is how we got our briefing near the cars, and packed them. At least the weather isn't cold.
Once we were done, we headed out towards the island. Since karma tends to throw me in the line of fire, i was the first to drive. The drive to the island wasn't much of a story, besides the fact it was on the wrong side, according to the best down under tradition of driving. Then we got to the ferry. 7 minutes on the ferry, and we're on fraser.
We had to drive some 20km on quite a bumpy road since the tide was high, but eventually we recahed the beach.
Driving north, on a narrow strip of sand that disappears in the rainy horizon, a sand wall on our left, and a choppy sea, grey and green and white, on our right.
It's quite the experience.
Our first stop was Lake McKenzie. We're speaking of an amazing sweet water lake, deep blue in the center, turquoise near the shore, surrounded by white sandy shores, and a grin forest around it.
The water was amazingly clear, and we ran into the lake oblivious of the rain. The only thing i regret, is not having my scubadiving mask with me.
Once we finished, we had something to eat, and then headed north again, in order to find the aboriginal camp. A couple of hours later, and after running in circles over and over because it wasn't were it was marked on our map, we managed to find someone who knew where it was, and discovered it was some mere 500 meters to the south from the place we seached.
It was getting dark, still raining a bit, so we got there, late, and got a lousy camping place since all the good ones were busy, and everybody else was already preparing dinner in the good spots.
We set camp, and went to prepare dinner. This is when the dark foreboding feeling from the previous day started to manifest. The swedish were to busy speaking swedish between themselves, and some the girls were acting like true jewish princesses. So, i took charge, cut the salad, prepared the potatoe salad, and they managed to get the steaks done.
Dinner was quite nice but rather noise, since all the other groups were drinking and chatting and playing the aboriginal instruments (well, they were actually just making loud annoying noises).
The next few hours passed drinking beer, wine, finding a poisonous snake which was killed by the aboriginals, and chatting to random people in the camp. I planned to go to sleep early, and ended up staying late, drinking and learning yet another useless phrase in German, but it was quite a funny night all in all.
When i got back to the tent, i was informed by my english partners, that even though we paid for sleeping bags, it seems one of the swedish said he paid for one and didn't get one, so he just came in, took mine, and went to sleep. I was too tired to fight about it, so i told him he can have it tonight, but i'm having it tomorrow, and just crashed on the tent's floor and fell asleep eventually.

Day 2:
Late start, the swedish were busy being slow and unuseful, so i ended up doing the the dishes, helped by 2 nice english girls that wondered where the rest of my group was. I told them there is no "group" in "I", and then helped them do their dishes.

In the meanwhile, the rest of the group managed to get a start on breakfast, and this and the fact that some blue patches appeared in the sky, warmed us a bit.

We left camp around 10am, instead of 8 as planned, and headed north, toward Indian Head. The swedish continued speaking swedish, so i just plugged my mp3 player, and started ignoring them.

On the way up to Indian head, my hat flew off, and i had to heroically perform a rugby jump and tackle to save it.

Then my flip flop broke up, so i had to continue barefoot. On the way back, my hat flew off again, this time over the edge of the cliff. Yes, i know, some of you are jumping up and down, filled with joy, thanking some gods, and throwing candy in every direction. I was even admiting that karma was dealing me a tough handw and made peace with the fact it's gone. But then, since we learned that we can't leave the injured in the battlefield, i went on a brave rescue mission, and got it back :).

In case you think this is where the bad luck ended, you're wrong, since i managed to loose one of the headphones tops on the way down too.

So, even thought the sun was out, and the day was better than the previous one, my mood was as foul as the wind that blew that day.

We headed toward Wabbi lake next. Once we reached the parking, we decided to have something quick to eat, and got the wrappes and the cold meat out. For a moment, i saw the girls in the car chopping up vegies, and thought that finally they got the team spirit right, and started helping, just to realize that it was every man to himself, and they got their food, and proceeded to eat, instead of preparing more for the rest.

The english couple and myself had enough, so we got some food, told them we'll meet them later, and headed up leaving them to waste their time as they saw fit. The funny thing is that they got to the lake the same time as us. I'm still trying to figure out how that happened.

Lake wabbi. Another amazing lake, totally different from the previous. This one was nested between yellow sand dunes, and it was green instead of blue. We hanged around for an hour or so, untill the setting sun and the need to find someplace to camp at night drove us out. We - and here it was the english and me, being fed up with the slow decisions of the swedish, and the waste of time - decided where we'll camp, and sat in the front and drove there.

When we got there, it was dark. Pitch black, like a half moon clouded night in the middle of a forest can be. We set camp, cooked dinner, had to hear the swedish chatting in swedish again, and headed to sleep early, since we had no lights, and no mood. This night, i had my sleeping bag, and a whole tent to myself, since two swedish decided to sleep in the car. Thank god for small mercies.

Day 3:

Some assertive help, and we left camp early for a change. We headed back to Lake McKenzi, had a quick breakfast, and hit the water again. This time, the sky was mainly blue, and the sun was out most of the time. We gave up on the swedish, and hanged out by ourselves, not caring anymore.

We left the lake late, since the swedish said we can be 40 minutes late anyways. I had to get them moving so we'll be on time even with those 40 minutes, and we ended getting there on the last moment, after getting into rather deep sea water since the tide was up by the time we got there.

The rest of the day was used for washing my clothes, dinner, speaking with the english couple and packing my stuff.

All of the sudden, around 9, one of the swedish girls came into the room, saying they were looking for us for ages, and if we don't mind giving them our cameras, so they can have our pictures, especially my pictures (i showed them some good pictures of their group i took on the lake on the way back).

Interesting i thought to myself. You don't have the decency of speaking english most of the travel, nor trying to make us feel part of the group, but suddenly you want our pictures?

I took their emails, and sent them some of the pictures today, along with a mail about what i thought about their behavior (I wonder if they'll answer).

Gladly, i got rid of some of my stuff i was carrying around, and ended up sitting with them once i finished packing. They still spoke swedish, up until the last half hour, in which we spoke about movies.

Went to sleep around 2am, to wake at 7am again to head south to Noosa.

So, as you can see, i'm quite short on sleeping hours, but, like the french will say "C'est la vie".

Well, i'm sure most of you died during the reading of this post, but for the few who managed to get this far, you can see some pictures from the Fraser trip here .

Also, you can have a look at this link, for some funny stuff about the english language :)

I'm out, need to get some food, and finish my book. I hope to have good weather tomorrow so i can go hiking in the parks in the area.

I have some more things to write about fraser, but i'll do it in the future, if i'll have the time and be in the right mood :) .

Monday, February 11, 2008


Air rushing up my face ...

Everything is turning around ...

Up is down ... down is up ... looking to all directions at once , cold air filling my mouth ...

maybe i should begin at the beginning ...

Sunday, 10.2.08.

0920 am. The alarm goes off. i open 1 eye, remembering i need to go down and extend my stay @ the backpackers before 10am. I turn the alarm of, and go back to sleep.

0950 am, jump out of bed, throw some clothes on, head down, extend my stay, and think about all the things i need to do before noon. Get back to the room, crash on the bed, back to sleep.

1100 am, alarm goes off again. I turn it off, and snooze for half an hour or so.

1130 am, get out of bed, start preparing my backpack, and around 1200 head out, towards Queen st. in search of Coles.

1220 pm, get to Coles, find a muffin, some candles, and a lighter. Total damage: 5$.

1230 pm, start running towards the train, cursing the moment i turned the alarm off.

1250 pm, return train ticket to Redcliffe, 4.40$, 1255 pm i'm on the train.

1330 pm, reaching Redcliffe, getting picked up and driven to the beach.

1400 pm, strapped in, getting in the van again, heading to the airport.

1415 pm, short briefing done, crawl into a dubious looking 2 motor airplane, lacking the back door.

1440 pm, reaching 14000 feet, heading towards the exit.

Air rushing up my face ...

Everything is turning around ...

Up is down ... down is up ... looking to all directions at once , cold air filling my mouth ...
1 minute of free falling. Enjoying the view, feeling the cold air rushing past me, enjoying every moment, yet knowing it will end soon.

Parachute opens, the position changes from free fall to hanging down. The sea bellow is greenish instead of the normal blue you would expect, but i guess you can't have it all.
I can see the other 4 sky divers bellow me, preparing to land. The skydive instructor pulls the cords, and the parachute starts to turn around and around, i smile and enjoy the turns.
The land is closer now, and i wonder when will we
start heading towards the big "X" on the beach. On the last second, we do another turn, go above the trees, missing their tops by some meters, and head to the landing. 5 seconds later, i'm sitting on the beach. It's over.
I get up, go back to the van, get a beer, stick the candles in the muffin, and try to light them. Seems like the wind will not cooperate, so i get the shots with the unlit candles, and then head to the video room to see the jump, and eat my muffin.
Ended up buying the video, and then i was taken back to the train, having finished half my plans for today, and smiling at the sheer luck i had, since it didn't rain, and since i was able to book the last place on the last jump for today, on the last minute yesterday.
Got back, slept a bit, got up, and headed to the bar to get a nice steak for dinner. The french couple showed up some minutes afterwards, and they and the kiwi that stays in our room joined me.
A quick shower, and off we go to the Casablanca hotel, to get some salsa :) .
Some insights about the salsa scene there. It's not what we're used to back home.
Where back home salsa nights will be 90% salsa, and 10% other things, here it's an equal mix of salsa, bachata and zouk. Zouk is a sensual dance, but i have no idea how to dance it yet, i can hold my ground in the bachata, and the salsa ... well ... i'm still trying to figure out what they dance. It seems it's mainly on1, LA oriented, but it lacks the familiarity of salsa back home.
Oh, and it seems they don't really dance cuban for some reason, even though some of the music is cuban.
It was a fun night. Met some nice people, including a girl that had her birthday on the same day too :).
Late into the night, when the floor was quite empty, i danced a great fast dance when they put the "la pelota", amazed that i can keep up. Seems i'm not as out of shape as i thought :).
And thats about it.
Skydiving & Salsa. Quite a nice bday, where the only thing missing was my family and friends, but checking the mail and getting all the happy-bday mails made up for it.
Thanks all for remembering, and excuse me if i'm too senile or caught up in my trips and i miss your own bday.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tomato & Donkey salad

Once, when i was much younger, and the teacher taught us about fractions, she told us we can't have a tomatoes and donkies salad, in order to clarify the mistery behind different types of fractions and what can be or can't be done with them.

I really try to hang to this teaching, but today it won't be possible, so you'll get a mixed post :).

A couple of days ago, i finished exercising in my backpacker room, and was about to go running, when a guy (later i'll learn his name is antonio, and that he's french) asked me if he can join. I was reluctant at first, since i didn't want to slow down, but for good manners, and since he asked, i said "sure" and waited for him.
Well ... the skinny bastard made me run behind him all the way, and left me well behind on the sprint parts. Of course, being a mature adult, i didn't mind that fact, and even was happy for him pulling me to my limits, but, and there's a big but here, i couldn't let him get out of this so easily :) .
So, on the way back, i did the jesus running. Basically, all you do is stretch both arms at shoulder level, and leave them there. At first, you will wonder why. After a couple of minutes, the burning in your shoulders will be self explanatory enough (feel free to try it at home, you can post the maximum amount of time you were able to hold them up. And please, no cheating. Arms straight, at shoulder level). At first, he was fine ... and then, after a couple of minutes, he broke, and lowered them. He looked back, and saw me still running like this, and started again ... I waited for him to break again, then kept for some 30 seconds (not because i'm petty, just to show him who's da boss).
Afterwards, we went and had a nice dinner @ the backpackers bar. Nice guy.

On the last days, i spent quite a lot of time at the Brisbane cinema. First watching "3:10 to Yuma", which was nice. Then watching "Fool's gold", which was quite funny and very enjoyable, and today was "The Mist". Based on Stephen King novel. Good, disturbing movie. Liked it.

I have an idea for a post called "Why is it ...", But i need to venture more into it.
In the meanwhile, using basic statistics and simle math, i reached the very sad conclusion that less than 6% of the people who were on my updates mailing list, are actually keeping in touch. Another 10% take the time to write here and there, in the case I wonder where did they disappear to, and the rest ... well ... i hope they are well.
I would like to thank those 6-16% :).

And last, but not least, maybe i'll be going to dance tonight. I'll let you know how was it if i'll go.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Coincidence is the noteworthy alignment of two or more events or circumstances without obvious causal connection. The word is derived from the Latin co- ("in", "with", "together") and incidere ("to fall on").

On my last backpacker place in Thailand, they had a big library of dvd's to watch, and books to swap. After a long time roaming through the books, i took two. The first was a fantasy book called "Black sun rising", and the second was "Shogun".
Now, the first one was chosen because i wanted some sci-fi/fantasy book for a change, and it looked readable, and the second because it was recommended to me, and i always wanted to read it, so i was pretty happy to find it :).
"Black sun rising" turned out to be an excellent book, but i was quite unhappy to discover it's the first book of a trilogy.
"Shogun" is in the last stages of reading, and it's an amazing book too.
Since it's my last book, i wanted to go and buy a new one when i got back to Rockhampton from the farm. They have a small exchange library, and Robby, the lady that works there told me to take a look, maybe i'll find something. I told her that i looked last time i was there, and didn't find anything (mostly girlie books, and some german books), but that I'll look again.
I found a book from the same author that wrote "Shogun" :), and it's as big, so it'll keep me occupy for quite some time.
Today, we went walking in the city, and it started to rain like there's no tomorrow, so we hoped into a book shop, just to look around, and maybe find the name of the author who wrote "Black sun rising", or the sequels. I looked for an hour at different books, leafing through some that seemed interesting, wishing i could buy some of them, and read them, but knowing that it's not feasible while traveling. Even went twice through the sci-fi/fantasy section, but for no avail.
Then, just before leaving, I decided to go to the basement level, to take a look at the sales books, and then a book caught my eye. "When true night falls", it rang a bell ... and as you might already have deduced from the name of the post, it turned to be the second book of the trio, costing only 15$ instead of 20.95$. So, i bought it.
And now i have plenty of reading material, a lot of extra weight to carry around, and i need to hope that the good fortune that smiled at me this far will lead me to the third book somehow :).

* This entry was written with the English challenged people in mind :) *

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What's next

From the farm, i got back to Rockhampton, and then hopped on a plane to Brisbane.
The amount i paid for the taxi, the extra weight, and the bus to the city, was the same as the plane ticket :)
It's nice to be back in a city. To see people walking around, after 3 weeks of being with the same 3 people all the time.
Yesterday i had a very nice day, walking around the city, had a good dinner, and went to the movies to see 3:10 to Yuma.
I'll stay here for a week or so, then, go to fraser islands, and then i'll probably head back south, towards Sydney, but hell, i already know that plans are made so they can be changed, so i figure i'll just continue to cruise around, see what happens, and update as it does.
Feel free to keep in touch.

The last ride

Last day on the farm.
Fencing all day, digging holes for the bigger poles, driving the metal posts into the ground, muscles reaching the saturation point eventually. Half glad to get back to the road, half sad to leave the farm.
Once we finished working, around 1700, i hoped on the back of the pickup, and plugged my mp3 player, to enjoy the last ride back to the farm.

(this was taken a couple of hours earlier)

On the first part of the way, the sky was blue, with some scattered white clouds, and as we rode up one of the hills, we saw the pack of wild horses watching us. There were 6 in total. 2 Were on the left of the fence, the leader, a big brown horse, with a black patch on the nose, and a white sock on his rear right leg, and a younger male, brown to. On the left of the fence, the rest of the pack consisted of 3 grown white horses, and a smaller younger brown one.
The moment the saw us, the bolted up the mountain, running along the fence, away from us. The surrounding area was green, the track up the hill consisted of two tracks of brown packed earth, from the tires of the cars, the fence ran to our right, and trees were scattered around. From time to time, the leader would stop, watch back, wait for a second, and start running again, leading the pack higher all the time.
Interesting to see the horses bolting and running like the devil is after them, while the cows around are grazing and not paying any attention to neither the horses or us.

On the second part, reaching the highest part of the hills, the sun was setting down.

The sky was getting darker, and rain clouds began to gather. The surrounding area change, with thick bushes (The same one we were poisoning the other day on the other paddock), and the ground was patched with green where the grass managed to gain control. On the mp3 player some classic Bach music gave the moment a special twist.

The last part of the way was dark, since the sun settled down already, the fact that i had my sunglasses on so the bugs won't get into my eyes, and light rain fell for short times. Two spears of light penetrated the darkness in front of us from the strong lights mounted on the front of the car, iluminating trees, the tall grass, some cows that decided to stand on the road until the very last moment, and then, instead of getting of the road, tried to outran us on the same road, much to our amusement. "Vivir sin aire" was playing now, bringing back good memories from the past.
I jumped down to open the last couple of gates on the way to the farm, and it was over.

I don't know if i'll get to repeat the things and the experiences i had there, but i'll surely remember them, and miss the wind blowing in my face on the back of the car, standing tall, watching the road and the surroundings, and realizing it's more fun than some paid tours i had in my life.

This ends the farm chapter of my trip :) .

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A long day

I'll be leaving the farm in 2 days, and my last 2 days are all about fencing again.
Today we woke before 6, even the sun wasn't up ...
around 8 we were already driving posts into the ground, digging holes, and enjoying a very healthy and fit day's work.
As usual, the sun was blistering, and the heat made the work harder. I drank some 5 litres of water, and still i think i got a bit dehydrated, so you can imagind the amounts of sweat i lost.
Anyways, toward 1630, it started pouring rain, like the best days of winter back in israel, only that the temperatures weren't as cold, so we left the paddock and started to get back home.
Amazing, pouring rain, country views, small currents of water running down the offroads, the smell of fresh rain filling everything out.
On the last part of the way, i stood on the back of the van, enjoying the air, the smell, and the view of the country side after the rain glimpsing mirrored sky and trees in the ponds along the way.
All the different weather in the same day, makes you wonder and think about life :)
Anyways, i'm dead tired, and i'll be hitting the bed prety early tonight, since i have another day like this tomorrow ...
And then ... back to the road and adventure :)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pics time

Not much to tell, since bush killing ain't really that exciting.
As you can understand, i'm still on the farm, working, and not having tons of new stuff to write about, but on monday i'll get traveling again, and hopefuly will get new writting material :)
The good part is work ain't really hard, and i get time to exercise daily. The less good part is that i'm missing traveling :)

While bush killing, (using poison), we wear some gas masks, and try to be as covered as possible, which reminds me of 2 things:
1) my chemical warfare training
2) fallout :)

Hope everybody is fine.


Oh, there is a small thing to tell. The first day we went bush poisoning, we got stuck twice in the field. First time it was fuel (the indicator didn't work ! really !!), and the second we still don't know why. So, while we waited to be rescued, i got some R&R, using a tree and my faithful hat, and antonio got the picture, so you can enjoy it :).

Me in the car.


Sunset (hope you're not sick of them yet)

Gas Mask (fallout)

Me & Antonis

Bye bye cruel world

Waiting for rescure

Yin Yang

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Fire

The wood was wet.
He refused to use gasoline to get it going, and tried again, unfolding the ball of paper so the fire can lit it, hopefuly burning the small twigs on it.
After several minutes, some smoke gave him a bit of hope, and he put the matches away, concentrating on blowing gently in the right direction, feeding the bits of coals that caught.
The patience was rewarded and a small fire began flickering, eating up the paper and the smaller twigs, creating enough heat in the small pit so the bigger chunks of wood will start smoking and evaporating the water they had, so they can burn.
After the harsh beginning, the fire gained enough momentum to go on by itself.
It started small, almost shy, and it took all it's effort to dry the wood and consume it slowly, but in time, it gained volume and strength and burned happily, waiting to be fed more wood, consuming it easily, lifting a dense white smoke into the evening night.
The fire had it's brighter times, when it was fed with wood, and it burned high and brilliant. But it also had it's darker times, when the rain came and left it reduced to a pile of coals, burning under the surface, awaiting for circumstances to change, so it can grow again.
After several hours, having served it's purpose, the fire started to grow weaker. First the flames died. Then the smoke stopped. All that was left was a pile of coals, burning red, filling the hole, getting darker on the brim, and slowly the darkness grow into the center, leaving a light blanket of grey ashes on the surface, but still holding some warmth inside, not accepting death and the coldness of the night.
But nature continued it's course, and the fire, alone, in the night, eventually died.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Still on the farm

Yey, went fencing yet again, but came back early.At noon the sun was scorching, but now it's raining :) ... sooo nice, with no further ado, here are the pictures :)

Making sure it's straight:

Noel, Antony and me:

doors to nowhere

Redback ... venemous tiny bastard:

Not redback ... but still, maybe venemous bastard (probably not)

Sunset.... ahhh .... sooo prety :

This is how i spend my nights here:

Bull riding :)

Working team, me, Lui and Antony:

The howdy look:

Lui, myself, and the camelback :

After a long day of work, a good bath is necesary:

Thats it for today :)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Yesterday, we went fencing.
Since we are already in the middle of nowhere, we drove for an hour, towards the end of nowhere, and then, we reached the fence.
At first glance, it looked like any other harmless regular fence. 2 barbed wires, and a flat one on top. Steel posts every 10 meters or so, and crossing the property at a rather straight line, going up and down according to the ground's whims.
But here is where all similarities ended, since we had to take this one out. Rolling the barbed wired, removing the steel posts, up the mountain and down the other side, just to go up again.
If this isn't enough of a workout, add the OZ sun, which scorches relentlessly, the mozies (oz for mosquito) and the trees and bushes that grow wherever they want, not caring about the poor humans that have to maintain the darn fence.
I doubt i ever felt so tired going up a mountain since the happy days of my military service, and these seem sooo long ago, when i was in a much better shape.
Thoughts of why a software engineer and a salsa instructor needs to be out in the outback, in the sun, rolling barb wire and cursing steel posts crossed flickered through my mind, but the satisfaction of reaching exhaustion, feeling the burn in the legs when you go up, the rivers of sweat going down your back, the ragged breath fighting to supply the oxygen that every muscle in the tired body demands, and then, taking another step consciously, make it worth the while :).
We got back, some dinner, a bit of sitting by the fire, shower, some reading and hit the bed for a much needed sleep. I was sure I'll wake up all hurting, but to my surprise i woke up fine, and smiled again as i had some mango, banana, granola and milk for breakfast, with the rising sun.
Today we went fencing again, putting some new steel posts instead of the old ones, building up a gate, and going up and down the mountain again, carrying not so light equipment with us. But for some reason, even though we worked longer than yesterday, i didn't feel so tired, and even found the energy to exercise when we got back.
After dinner, while i was reading, a lone potato, hidden in an aluminium foil was carefully hidden between the coals and the fire, waiting for the moment to be opened in the middle, and eaten with some butter, salt and pepper.
Damn, i can't complain :) . I love the feeling of tiredness you get after a long day of physical work, a good exercise, and a nice dinner.
I'm gonna hit the shower, read a bit more, and hit the bed very soon, since tomorrow ... yep ... you're right ... another day of fencing calmly awaits.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some pics

Working (Obviously)

Fire @ night


Me and the Horses @ the farm.

News from the farm

Hi, taking some minutes using my Bose's laptop for a quick update.

I'm good.
Actually, I'm very good. Quite happy. I'm supposed to be working, but I'm really enjoying it, and it's not like other jobs i had, when I'd just wait for the day to end.

Yesterday, i built a nice fire, and spent some 5 hours outside, near the fire, mainly listening to music and thinking about the past, the present, and the future.

Some background, so you'll get the picture. The farm is in the middle of nowhere. Besides some cows, a couple of horses, some wild roos (and a lonely dingo), there's no one around.
I turned all the lights off, so i sat in the darkness, the only source of light was the fire, and the moon, which was hidden behind a blanket of clouds. I tried to remember when was the last time i sat around a fire, and i think it was when i went to Uni, and was invited to a night trip by a friend. I need to do this more often.
After an hour or so, the clouds gave way, and the moon shone for a couple of hours, allowing me to enjoy the beauty of the night and the stars. Then the clouds covered the moon again, and some rain fell (i stayed where i sat, enjoying the experience).
During the evening, the man i work for joined me, and we talked a bit about some things, and then i threw a couple of bananas into the fire (ate mine with peanut butter), and made some tea. It's a pity i didn't have any tea herbs to put in, but hell, it was still a very good tea :). Before he went to sleep, he got me some marshmallows, darn good ones, and probably the best i ever had.

The only thing i regretted was not having my friends around, to share the moment with, but hell, I'm sharing it now :)

It was one of the best nights i had this far in Australia.
I want to thank all my friends, for being my friends, and for all the good moments (and the bad), that helped me become the man i am today.
I also want to thank some people, that some of the songs reminded me of, so, if you recognize the song, it's probably meant to you :
Loreana McKlin - The lady of Shallot, Hotel California, Tu amor me hace bien, No hay problema (yap, the cha cha), Leaving on a jet plane, Pink Floyd - The wall (that's you, smi), and there's probably some more i forgot, so you'll have to pardon me.
That's it for today, I'll try to post some pics, hope it'll work.
Wish you all a great day and a great week.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Bloggin for the people

Hi all,
i know, new blog you ask ?
the answer is yes ... since the last one was rather difficult to get to.
so, this is the new one, hope it's better.

I'm still on the farm, some 30km form Rockhampton, working and staying there.
Work is mainly helping in whatever is needed, and since they are building a shed, that's what i'm helping with.
I'll probably get back on the road in a couple of days, and head south, until i'll get to Fraser Islands, and then to Brisbane, and eventualy to Sydney again.

Take care, i'll update more when i'll have some time and net .
